Tuesday, November 25, 2008

We Are . . .

Our Family Visit to the Nittany Lion Statue

It has been 7 years since I have been back to a Penn State football game- and I'm glad we saved it for the time the Nittany Lions won the Big Ten Championship. This was quite an initiation for Ian, who had never been to Penn State. We choose the coldest football game in 20 years (or so the radio announcers told us) and even got some State College snow. He got the whole experience- tailgating, walking all the way to the stadium from downtown, touring the campus (including all my dorms, off campus apartment, and the fraternity houses). It was a great weekend for Lila too. She got to visit PSU for the first time and even got a picture with the Nittany Lion, ate at the Corner Room and strolled around campus and town. It was a big weekend.

Just like the old days!!! Megan and I before the game- trying to keep warm. We should have followed our husbands lead and drank to keep warm- but in our minds that only equalled more trips to the potty- not fun when you are wearing 5 layers :) Megan and Jason are expert tailgaters, and we were treated to a fabulous spread including chicken noodle soup, Jason burgers, hot dogs, chips, pasta salad and our neighbors apple cake- YUM!
Ian and I right before heading into the game. Notice how he doesn't look too cold?? I credit the beverage in his hand (and 6 pack already in his belly). Once we got inside the stadium, hot chocolate was the key to our survival.

Even Lila was all bundled up this weekend. Gotta love that winter hat :) She didn't come to the game, but she did enjoy some Penn State traditions like a tour of campus in her stroller, dinner at Baby's diner and a trip to the bookstore. Hopefully we will be there with her again in about 17 years on freshman move in day! (I think Daddy is thinking Princeton, but I still have my fingers crossed for another PSU alum)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Where has the time gone??

We find ourselves asking this question with each passing week. I think we are still in shock that our little baby is already 4 months old- is it really November already?
It seems like just yesterday we were being handed this beautiful bundle in the stripped blanket and little pink hat. Well, there was a bit more to it than being "handed" the baby- but the memory of the pain has quickly faded :) Now we find ourselves at her 4 month mark, all too quickly. She continues to amaze us with how much she is growing and changing. We love watching her personality emerge and continue to love her reactions to us- she knows her Mommy and Daddy (and has Daddy wrapped around her finger- if I may add). It's incredible how much our love for her has grown- and we thought we were in love on July 17th- that was only the very beginning. We are so very blessed!

Our 4 month checkup was a success- and we all got shots. When I say all of us, I mean Ian and I too (they offered us the Flu shot and we jumped at the chance to get it all done in 1 visit). Poor Lila had another round of 5 shots but did very well. She cried for a little while and then settled down as if nothing happened. She is still growing like a weed. She weighed in at 14 pounds 10 ounces (75%) and 25" long (75%). Her head is still little- only 25%- which still astounds us since Ian and I do not have small heads! The Dr gave her rave reviews as far as her alertness, head control and flexibility (since she had her feet in her hands and up over her head when the Dr. came into the room- gotta love discovering your feet!) We only had 1 thing to get at CVS this time - some cream for her dry patches on her legs. The best news- her umbilical hernia is almost completely healed. The Dr said it is still there- just smaller- but should be totally gone by 1 year- YAY Lila!! Overall it was a good visit.
As I sit updating this blog, our little angel is sleeping away due to the Tylenol induced shot coma. Here are some of our latest photos of our beauty- hope you enjoy :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

New Tricks

Oh boy- have we been busy learning new tricks! Lila has mastered a couple new skills that I just have to share. Keep in mind that this first time mommy is pretty easily impressed, so please bear with me- it's all so exciting to Mommy and Daddy. Instead of telling you about them, I figured I'd show you them with pictures. Notice the foot on the bar- it's as if she is saying "If I could just get a little more leverage . . ."

Lila has a fascination with her rings- and especially with putting the rings into her mouth. These days she puts just about everything in her mouth- or at least tries to. The determined look on her face in this picture is priceless. She seems to be concentrating so hard.

I just love the look on her face here . . . she looks amazed. The crazy part is that I have put these rings on everything she owns (because she likes them so much)- ie- her carseat, her playmat, her bouncy sear- and she still acts like it is the first time she has seen them. I am guessing that her short term memory is not fully developed yet.

Here she is enjoying a little tummy time. Holding her head up and pushing up on her arms is one of her latest tricks- mommy is super proud of this little accomplishment because I had fallen behind on the tummy time the first few months- but now we are doing it everyday and she is doing much better.

Saving the best for last . . . Lila reached her first milestone- SHE ROLLED OVER!!!!! Hold your applause- it was the easy way (from tummy to back). But the simple fact that I got to see it with my own eyes was amazing. I think she got the idea that it was good because I stood over her clapping and yelling and dancing like a crazy woman- oh the things that excite a Mommy :)
Hope your week has been as eventful as ours. Enjoy the pictures!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

What we've been up to

With Halloween last week, I wasn't able to write about some of our latest adventures.

Last week Lila and I made a trip to Lewisburg to visit Megan and her little boy Joshua. It was quite an adventure in the car (2 1/2 hours each way), but she was a trooper. We had a little crying spell around Harrisburg, but mostly she just slept and played with the rings on her carseat. I have to admit that I was pretty surprised that we didn't have to pull over and eat on the side of the road, but she lasted until we got to Megan's house.

Joshua is the most gentle 2 year old I have ever met. His mother swears he was on his best behavior- and we were impressed. Just look at the picture above, it says it all! He is so sweet and very talkative. We got a full introduction to all his toys, especially his guitar. I had no doubt that he would be musical, just like his mommy, and he showed us his guitar skills and singing ability. I have to say that I was most impressed with his vocabulary- Joshua is a very smart cookie. Some of the things he says are hilarious- I especially loved the story from election day when he looked over the table and said "I vote please". How cute!?!

Another big happening in the P household was the Phillies winning the world series. Everyone knows about Ian's obsession with baseball, so this should not surprise you. Let's just say that this year's baseball season has been very very long with the Phillies going all the way. Ian went to several world series games and had a blast. When it came time to have the victory parade, Daddy wanted to take his little girl. So we packed up the car and headed down to the stadium. Luckily we got tickets in the KPMG suite box so we weren't in the middle of all the madness with a 3 month old. Daddy was proudly showing off his little Phillies fan.

Our little Phillies fan

Daddy and Lila awaiting the world series ceremony at the ballpark. This was Lila's first day in jeans- and I have to admit that I teared up when I put them on her- she looked so grown up. Needless to say, we haven't worn them again.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween Sweet Pea!

Here are the much awaited pictures of our little sweet pea in her first Halloween costume. There was no debate on what Lila would dress as for Halloween as soon as we saw this costume. Ian and I called her baby P and sweet Pea for much of my pregnancy, so this costume was perfect! I know that I am biased, but isn't she the most adorable little Pea??

We had a great Halloween filled with a million trick or treaters in cute costumes. Luckily the weather was nice, so we sat outside like we usually do to hand out candy. We even had a nice visit from Grandma and Grandpa who couldn't wait to see their little Lila all dressed up. Then we celebrated Halloween again on Saturday with Jen and Kraig and their little "monkey" Taylor. Here is a photo of the 2 buddies together. Some day these 2 will revolt on their mommies for making them dress in these silly costumes- but it's worth it for the picture opp.

Hope you all had a great Halloween. Enjoy the photos of our little lady!!