Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Free Moment . . .

This mommy stuff is time consuming- I knew it would be, but somehow until it happens to you (and you have to pray for 10 free mins to shower) you don't understand completely. So I finally have a free minute to add some pictures to the blog and update you all on our past few weeks happenings with little Lila.

Pictures first . . . above are a few of our favorites from the hospital and the first week. The first one is our very first family photo. The others are from day 1.

It's amazing how quickly the past month has gone. The first 2 weeks felt like 2 years, but it has gotten so much better. She is quite the little eater and has gained over a pound already. She eats every 2 hours round-the-clock, so it makes sense that she is filling out. If we could only get her to sleep as well as she eats- we would have it made:) Sleep during the day is tough- she'd rather be awake and looking around. We can get her to sleep for 4 1/2 hours at night, so that makes up for it. Funny how 4 hours of sleep for new parents feels heavenly- I guess compared to the 1 1/2 hours we were getting the first week, it feels like a lot. Overall, she is a very pleasant baby. She isn't too fussy- usually crying only when she is tired, hungry or wants to be changed. I think we are very lucky so far- but I am not going to get too confident because every day seems to be different and I am sure the tides could change at any time. We are just taking it one day at a time and enjoying our time together as a family.

Until next time . . .

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