Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Happy 2 months Lila!!

It's hard to believe that our little girl is already 2 months old. The time has gone as quickly as everyone says it does . . . in the blink of an eye it will be Christmas!

We had our 2 month Dr checkup this morning. She is doing great and growing like a weed. Mommy and Daddy had a bet on how much she was going to weigh- I am happy to report that mommy was a little low (11 lbs 5 oz) with her guess and daddy was a little high (11 lbs 13 oz)- so we tied. She also had her first big round of shots (5 total- yuck). Needless to say, she didn't enjoy them. After you hear the cry that she lets out after a shot, you realize that the crys at home are not really that "you're hurting me" cry. That cry is in a different ballpark- not fun to hear- and very loud. And we had some real tears too . .. luckily mommy didn't cry (but I did look away because I couldn't stand seeing her face so upset). 4 Band-Aids later, we were all set to go. Thank goodness for health insurance b/c the total for today was $843- highway robbery.

Here are her latest stats:
Length: 23 1/2 (75-90 percentile)
Weight: 11 lbs 8 oz (75 percentile)
Head: 15 (50 percentile)

Happy 2 Month Birthday Baby!!!


Megan said...

Congratulations on a good report at the doctor's office! And a special congratulations on not crying during the shots. That's just awful, even though you know it's the best thing for them.

Thanks for sharing the new pictures! Her little personality is shining through. And I think I agree with Joshua..."Baby Ila's SO CUTE!"

Katie said...

She's so beautiful. I can't believe how big she's gotten since I saw you a month ago. It was great meeting up while Michael and I were home. You'll have a place to visit in North Carolina when we get there. Give Lila a squeeze for me. Her picture is hanging on our fridge!! Luv ya loads!! xoxo