Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Santa Baby

So I am officially 1 month behind in my updates . . . but better late than never! Our Christmas was wonderful and eventful, as every first Christmas probably is. We spent our time wrapping, baking, hosting, visiting, eating, drinking and opening. In the world of Lila, she got everything she wanted for Christmas- including her 2 front teeth (on the bottom). She was a very good sport considering all the festivities and teething. The teething clearly explains her facination with putting everything in her mouth- wrapping paper, gift bags and boxes included. She even managed to reach for a glass of champagne that Dad was holding and spilled it all over his jacket- but in daddy's world, she can do no wrong- so no harm done.

Here is our Christmas 2008 update in photos-

Lila visiting santa for the first time. I still can't believe she smiled for the picture- I think this is only because she did not get a glimpse of the big guy (I put her on his lap backwards).
The Petropoulos Family

Lila helping Dad open his stocking (did you really think Santa would leave chocolate for the baby?!?)

Is that the cutest face you've ever seen?

Lila in her Christmas present from Oma and Papou- her new carseat. She looks so small!

Lila with her stocking on Christmas morning. Love those My 1st Christmas jammies!!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I can't believe how big and adorable she is. You must've had an awesome Christmas. I'm sorry we didn't get to see each other this time around. love ya loads! xoxo