Monday, March 16, 2009

Guess who's 8 months??

I thought that video was a great way to start today's post about our 8 month old baby! Isn't she cute? That was a little sample of her newest talking. I just love her facial expressions- she really thinks she is talking to us. Too funny!! The sound of last week (when we shot the video) was Na na na na- this week, it is Da da da. Still waiting for Ma ma ma.

Did I just say "8 month old"?? Yup it's true- Lila's really 8 months old. I'm not sure what she is weighing in at these days, but my guess would be around 19 pounds and probably around 28 1/2" long. As of yesterday, Lila now has 4 teeth (that's right- 2 more poked through on top). Her usual happy-go-lucky personality was gone for the past 5 days. In place of my lovely Lila, I was visited by a teething monster. I would like to officially blame Friday the 13th- since early that morning was the beginning of the sleepless nights- for both of us (unfortunately). I felt so badly for her, it must have been so painful. Last night I got wise and gave her a nice dose of infant Motrin before bed- which worked wonders. Why it took me 3 nights to do that- who knows. I did log some serious hours in her big comfy rocking chair (although I know that Megan still has about 1 million more than I do :) There was something wonderful about being able to comfort her enough that she drifted back to sleep in my arms. By night 3 the magic had worn off- so Motrin to the rescue. She was more like herself today, so I hope we are through the worst of it. A special thank you to Grandma and grandpa for coming to the rescue (mine and her's) on Saturday. If I didn't get out for a few hours- I was going to loose it. Luckily I can back refreshed and with my patience restored.

Here are a few pictures from the past 8 wonderful and exciting months . . .

We finally meet

Happy 8 months Lila- Daddy and I still see you like this . . Lila 10 days old

1 comment:

Megan said...

Ma-ma-ma will be right around the corner! They always save the best for last!!

She gets more adorable every time I see a picture of her.