Tuesday, February 19, 2008

We're Back!!!

We're back!! Sorry for the long time without writing, but as you all know we have been busy preparing for our expanding family.

Here are some of the details. I am in my 19th week and rapidly getting rounder. As mom so eloquently put it . . . "Linds, I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but you are carring all over". And she is right- my belly is growing but so are other areas (much to my dismay). I think this is one of the only times in your life when it is cute to be a little chubby- so I'm not getting too bent out of shape. The other time is when you are a baby- and I am about 29 years too late for that. I will have Ian take a few pictures for those of you who are far away so you can see for yourself.

Baby P. is due on July 15th (my friend Megan's Birthday). I am secretly hoping for an early arrival- maybe even the 4th of July. I can't think of a better way to celebrate a birthday than with fireworks. The night we found out we were expecting (November 5th) was a holiday in London- so there were fireworks all over the city. It only seems fitting for this child to be born on a holiday!

Baby preparations are in full swing- purchasing furniture and rearranging our upstairs. Somehow, we are going to combine our office and guest room into 1 room and use the 3rd bedroon as the nursery. I can't wait to start working on the nursery- but we have a long way to go before that. We have to find a home for the 2 dressers, chair, nightstand and queen size bed that currently occupy the nursery. With tax season upon us, Ian is basically only around on Sunday's so time is of the essence. We will keep you updated on the progress.

Next week is our 20 week ultrasound, and if Baby P cooperates, we will be able to find out if we are having a dancer or a baseball player. To say that I am anxiously awaiting this day is an understatement . . . I think about it everyday. We will be sure to let everyone know next week.

Have a great Tuesday!!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I'm so excited for you!!! You better put some pics up! I'd love to see you chunky!!!!