Friday, July 11, 2008

I know . . . it's been a long time

So it's been a while . . . actually it's been about 20 weeks. Being prego makes you start to keep track of everything in terms of weeks- so for everyone else, it's been about 5 months. My record with updating the blog has not been good this year, but I promise to get better- especially when the baby arrives.

That gets me to my next topic- the arrival of Baby P. No news yet and it looks like she is not going to come even 1 day early (much to Mommy's dismay). I have 4 more days till the official Due date and we are growing anxious to meet the little creature that has been kicking and stretching inside my tummy. She is awefully active, which we are taking as a warning sign- we may have a night owl because her favorite time to move uncontrollably is after 11:00 PM. So for all of you who may like to visit, you may have to come late if you would like to see her with her eyes open!

I have been gettting many requests for pictures of pregnant me (or "chubby Lindsay" as Katie requested). So here are a few to catch you up on the last 5 months.

These was taken at Easter- almost 6 months along. And I thought I was big then- ha ha ha!

Mama relaxing at the pool. There is no such thing as a flattering maternity bathing suit- so I settled for the cheapest one I could find!

On the beach in Florida- on our babymoon (last vacation without baby). This was the end of May- about 7 1/2 months along.

Hope you enjoyed the catch up. I will promise to post more over the weekend!!

1 comment:

Katie said...

You look absolutely beautiful!!!! Thank you so much for posting the pictures! And that phantom husband of yours - ok so maybe he's not made up!!! Just kidding! Can't wait for the wee one to come. And I can't wait to meet her and catch up with you soon.