She's only a little spoiled!
Have I kept you in suspense long enough?? I'm a few weeks late- but things in our household have been a little upside down since Lila turned 1. I'd like officially blame the lateness of these birthday pictures on teeth (molars and eye teeth- 5 new ones so far, with 3 more to come), lack of sleep (Lila and subsequently, Mommy and Daddy), and a bad cold (yup, a cold in August. Complete with runny nose, sore throat and cough). Good news is that the cold is almost finished and last night I got 7 hours of uninterrupted (hold your applause) sleep. Now that I've gone and bragged about the sleep, I'm sure tonight will be a nightmare- oh well!
I'm all out of sappy words to describe my baby's birthday. So all I've got is pictures- sound good?!
My ladybug creation. And it was made from scratch without eggs, butter or milk. How, you may ask, can a cake and icing be made without eggs, butter , cream or milk?? Let's just say that the internet is a great resource. It was even chocolate- and tasted something like a real cake.
I got a lot of questions from people who were not at the party- "did you let her put her hand in the cake?" , did she get her own "cupcake?" All I have to say is- No and no. I would most certainly not let my masterpiece cake be destroyed by 2 little hands. I would not even think of encouraging her to dig into the cake with her hands and smear the icing in places where icing does not belong. What kind of mother do you think I am??
maybe . . .
Maybe I did . . .
But with a face like that, who could say No!
Too bad she didn't seem to enjoy it . . .
For the record, there was never a doubt in my mind that you would let her devour that cake. Now the red and black icing.....THAT was a shocker!
Now you can start planning her number 2 birthday party...just kidding.
WOW! How fun is that!!??
Hopefully I'll have some similar pictures of Brooke with her cupcake-cake :)
That cake was absolutely gorgeous! I didn't realize you had made it from scratch. Good for you!!!
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