Monday, October 13, 2008

Our little pumpkin takes a trip to the patch

As you can see, Lila's first trip to the pumpkin patch was more exciting for Mommy and Daddy then it was for her. She snoozed through the great pumpkin (above in the stroller) and through the pumpkin corral where we chose her a baby pumpkin . She did manage to wake up for the pig races at Freddy Hill Farm and to get this adorable picture taken of our family inside a pumpkin (pretty silly- but cute anyway)

Mommy picked out the perfect round pumpkin to take home and carve. We had a bet going as to how much it weighed because it looked heavy to me- and I guessed 18 lbs. Boy was I wrong, it was 27 lbs and poor daddy got stuck carrying it all the way to the car on his shoulder. Gotta love Daddy!

Happy Fall!!!

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