Tuesday, October 7, 2008

This is what it's all about . . .

This is as good as it gets!! Daddy snapped this picture on Saturday afternoon after we returned from our neighborhood block party and needed a little nap.
Thank goodness for a relaxing Saturday, because on Sunday our little lady decided it was time for more growing and started eating like a horse. I looked in one of my many baby books, and sure enough, around 3 months is usually a growth spurt. The main characteristic is non stop eating and boy was she hungry. We had to forgo our sleeping nights for 2 nights because Lila wanted to eat- at 4am and 3:15am to be exact. I must have forgotten how hard it is to wake up after only 4 hours of sleep because on Monday I was a zombie. She proceded to eat every 2- 2 1/2 hours all day Monday- so we stayed in our PJ's all day and just ate (8 times- but who's counting). By 4:30pm she had already eaten as many times as she usually does in 24 hours- so she must be growing a lot!! I have to admit that this was quite a shock because we had been on such a nice schedule and I was finally feeling fully rested. The good news is that it seems to have slowed down because she didn't start to stir until 5:30am this morning. Lets hope that we are back on track today.
My memory of the past 2 days was completely erased when I saw this picture- it's amazing how quickly you can forget the bad days with one look at that adorable face.

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