Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What can Mommy do in 2 hours . . .

The answer is - many, many things! I find myself asking this question this lovely morning because for the first time in 3 months, my daughter has decided to take a 2 hour nap (gasp!!) I know, a 2 hour nap may not seem like a newsworthy event- but in the Petropoulos household it is. I have even managed to get a ton of things done while she snoozed. Here is a small list for your entertainment-
1- Shower
2- Get Dressed
3- Put on Makeup (something that rarely gets done these days)
4- Empty the dishwasher
5- Put away laundry
6- Watch "The View" (although I am fed up with Elizabeth and her constant political insight)
7- Eat lunch (a real lunch- not just a lean pocket or granola bar)
8- Check my email (and actually respond to messages- not normal these days)
9- Read an article in Parenting Magazine about family traditions (which I love!!)
10- Update the blog (hence this silly little list!)

Aahh 2 hour naps . . . may they continue forever :)

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