Thursday, November 13, 2008

New Tricks

Oh boy- have we been busy learning new tricks! Lila has mastered a couple new skills that I just have to share. Keep in mind that this first time mommy is pretty easily impressed, so please bear with me- it's all so exciting to Mommy and Daddy. Instead of telling you about them, I figured I'd show you them with pictures. Notice the foot on the bar- it's as if she is saying "If I could just get a little more leverage . . ."

Lila has a fascination with her rings- and especially with putting the rings into her mouth. These days she puts just about everything in her mouth- or at least tries to. The determined look on her face in this picture is priceless. She seems to be concentrating so hard.

I just love the look on her face here . . . she looks amazed. The crazy part is that I have put these rings on everything she owns (because she likes them so much)- ie- her carseat, her playmat, her bouncy sear- and she still acts like it is the first time she has seen them. I am guessing that her short term memory is not fully developed yet.

Here she is enjoying a little tummy time. Holding her head up and pushing up on her arms is one of her latest tricks- mommy is super proud of this little accomplishment because I had fallen behind on the tummy time the first few months- but now we are doing it everyday and she is doing much better.

Saving the best for last . . . Lila reached her first milestone- SHE ROLLED OVER!!!!! Hold your applause- it was the easy way (from tummy to back). But the simple fact that I got to see it with my own eyes was amazing. I think she got the idea that it was good because I stood over her clapping and yelling and dancing like a crazy woman- oh the things that excite a Mommy :)
Hope your week has been as eventful as ours. Enjoy the pictures!!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Michael wants her to stop growing! He can't believe how big she's getting. Hopefully we'll get to see you more often once we're stateside. Love ya loads!! xoxo