Thursday, November 6, 2008

What we've been up to

With Halloween last week, I wasn't able to write about some of our latest adventures.

Last week Lila and I made a trip to Lewisburg to visit Megan and her little boy Joshua. It was quite an adventure in the car (2 1/2 hours each way), but she was a trooper. We had a little crying spell around Harrisburg, but mostly she just slept and played with the rings on her carseat. I have to admit that I was pretty surprised that we didn't have to pull over and eat on the side of the road, but she lasted until we got to Megan's house.

Joshua is the most gentle 2 year old I have ever met. His mother swears he was on his best behavior- and we were impressed. Just look at the picture above, it says it all! He is so sweet and very talkative. We got a full introduction to all his toys, especially his guitar. I had no doubt that he would be musical, just like his mommy, and he showed us his guitar skills and singing ability. I have to say that I was most impressed with his vocabulary- Joshua is a very smart cookie. Some of the things he says are hilarious- I especially loved the story from election day when he looked over the table and said "I vote please". How cute!?!

Another big happening in the P household was the Phillies winning the world series. Everyone knows about Ian's obsession with baseball, so this should not surprise you. Let's just say that this year's baseball season has been very very long with the Phillies going all the way. Ian went to several world series games and had a blast. When it came time to have the victory parade, Daddy wanted to take his little girl. So we packed up the car and headed down to the stadium. Luckily we got tickets in the KPMG suite box so we weren't in the middle of all the madness with a 3 month old. Daddy was proudly showing off his little Phillies fan.

Our little Phillies fan

Daddy and Lila awaiting the world series ceremony at the ballpark. This was Lila's first day in jeans- and I have to admit that I teared up when I put them on her- she looked so grown up. Needless to say, we haven't worn them again.

1 comment:

Megan said...

I LOVE the jeans! I think the two of us are slowly unravelling. I'm all mushy about Joshua getting big-boy undershirts and you're upset about the jeans. What has happened to us?

We loved your visit. And I swear to you...believe me if you want...but you saw the best Joshua's given to ANYONE in recent history. You can come once or twice a week if that's the way he's going to behave. We loved spending the afternoon with you both.