Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Where has the time gone??

We find ourselves asking this question with each passing week. I think we are still in shock that our little baby is already 4 months old- is it really November already?
It seems like just yesterday we were being handed this beautiful bundle in the stripped blanket and little pink hat. Well, there was a bit more to it than being "handed" the baby- but the memory of the pain has quickly faded :) Now we find ourselves at her 4 month mark, all too quickly. She continues to amaze us with how much she is growing and changing. We love watching her personality emerge and continue to love her reactions to us- she knows her Mommy and Daddy (and has Daddy wrapped around her finger- if I may add). It's incredible how much our love for her has grown- and we thought we were in love on July 17th- that was only the very beginning. We are so very blessed!

Our 4 month checkup was a success- and we all got shots. When I say all of us, I mean Ian and I too (they offered us the Flu shot and we jumped at the chance to get it all done in 1 visit). Poor Lila had another round of 5 shots but did very well. She cried for a little while and then settled down as if nothing happened. She is still growing like a weed. She weighed in at 14 pounds 10 ounces (75%) and 25" long (75%). Her head is still little- only 25%- which still astounds us since Ian and I do not have small heads! The Dr gave her rave reviews as far as her alertness, head control and flexibility (since she had her feet in her hands and up over her head when the Dr. came into the room- gotta love discovering your feet!) We only had 1 thing to get at CVS this time - some cream for her dry patches on her legs. The best news- her umbilical hernia is almost completely healed. The Dr said it is still there- just smaller- but should be totally gone by 1 year- YAY Lila!! Overall it was a good visit.
As I sit updating this blog, our little angel is sleeping away due to the Tylenol induced shot coma. Here are some of our latest photos of our beauty- hope you enjoy :)


Megan said...

Yay Lila! Glad to hear of the good report. Maybe you can teach your buddy Joshua how to act at the doctor's office. Send some pointers with your Mommy this weekend, OK?

Hope Mommy enjoys a Tylenol induced coma of her own this afternoon for her own shot.

Love the new pictures!

Katie said...

So does that mean bikinis for the summer?? Glad to hear everything went so well at the checkup. Love ya!!