Sunday, September 2, 2007

4 Manilla Street- Flat 32

Here are some photos of our first apartment in London. This will be our home until Sept 6th.
A few observations about London living:
- A/C not included- but the floors are heated- strange
- Although there are windows- there are no screens. Makes for an interesting bug situation
- The light switches are outside the room- which makes for an excellent prank while Ian is in the bathroom and I can turn the lights off from the hall
- There is a reason we bought a king bed- unfortunately there are only queen beds here
- The washer and dryer is the same machine- don't ask- I am not planning on doing any laundry until we get to Apt #2- and I am hoping there will be 1 washer and 1 dryer
- They do not use wash cloths in the UK- or potholders- which made for interesting problem solving when we made a pizza in the oven last night
Enjoy the photos and we'll write again soon!


M&D said...

Dad and I are enjoing reading about all your adventures. It makes you seem so close. LoveM&D

M&D said...
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Megan said...

I am so glad that you've arrived safe and sound. I'm loving the commentary on UK living.

Your comments about your pranks on Ian with the lightswitches sounds eerily familiar to some of the pranks you played on me in college! I'm going to have to warn him about "Went to check mail."

Looking forward to the next installment.


The Banister's said...

We really enjoyed the pic of Ian in the chair he looks very tired (or very uncomfortable?)....perhaps he should have wet his fingers and rubbed his eyes...CHEERS, happy you guys got there safe!!

Vanessa said...

Glad to see you guys made it there safe. Have a great time!

Katie said...

Don't you just love Eurpoean apartments?!?! Wait until you realize that it takes 2 hours just to wash a load of clothes. At least you have kitchen cabinets!! I'm jealous about that!

M&D said...

The theater is awesome and the couple is stunning.Faces a mother could love. Ithink tne mid fall would be a great time to return,maybe with an elderly guest.