Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The North Pole

We knew we were going to be exploring the UK- but who knew we were going to get to visit The North Pole!! I guess we can cross that one off the list of places to see. These photos were taken at the local pub- actually it is so local we can be home in about 50 steps. The pub is everything you would expect an English pub to be- dark wood inside, red leather stools and chairs and heavy gold curtains. The bartender is a curly haired chap (we actually heard a local patron call him that tonight) named James. (Jen- I bet that rings a bell). The local beer must be a little stronger because after 2 pints Ian and I came home and cooked burgers. As many of you know, this is a ritual usually saved for nights when way more than 2 beers were consumed.

Enjoy the pics!!

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