Monday, September 24, 2007

Aah the simple life!

Farmer Ian's house. The farmer's name really is Ian!
The kids referred to Ian as Ian #2 the rest of the day.

This is the view from Jane's cottage.

Imagine if this was your driveway-goose included.

Jane & James' cottage on the farm

The path home . . . doesn't this look like a painting?
This is my favorite picture from the weekend-
it's so peaceful. This is also where we picked
our berries (see below)

Here are some pictures from our trip to the English countryside. One of my close friends at work, Caryl, is from the UK. When I told her about our trip she agreed to loan us her family (Thank you Caryl!!). A few weekends ago her sister Jane invited us to her town for a traditional English Country Fair. She, and her family live in Henley on Thames- a small town to the west of London. We enjoyed the fair and then went back to Jane and James' cottage. They live in a cottage that is a part of a huge working farm. There are chickens and geese and horses (oh my)! We felt like we were in a movie- it was so beautiful and peaceful. Her little girls even showed us how to feed the chickens and round up the geese from the field- Ian got the pleasure of climbing under the barbed wire fence to round up the geese (for those of you who may not know- I hate geese- and most other birds too) Our favorite part of the night was when we went out to the driveway with the kids and picked fresh blackberries from the yard and brought them inside to put on top of the cheesecake. We felt like we had turned back time- it was so relaxing and wonderful.

I'll post some more pictures from the fair soon.


M&D said...

I think I have got to see this place.I"m packing up and moving to the country. I"m not even afraid of birds , maybe snakes.

Megan said...

Looks like an incredible weekend! If only we could all take time and slow down to that pace once in a while, huh? The blackberry picking sounds wonderful.

Keep the pictures coming! These are amazing!