Sunday, September 16, 2007

We bought a new house!

We decided that our London flat was a bit small
so we upgraded. As you can see, it is slightly
larger than Debaran Lane - over 200 bedrooms!

Here we are out back- our new deck is stone.
No more pressure washing! Just think of how
many people we can fit on here for our
summer crab party.

Here I am in the back garden. We may need
a little help with the yard work- hope you
are ready Dad! We are also thinking of adding
a pond.

Last weekend (we are a little behind on the postings) we toured the state rooms of Buckingham Palace. This was a very unique experience because they only open it up to the public for 2 months in the summer while the royal family is away on vacation. This year's tour included a special exhibit celebrating the Queen's diamond (60 yrs) wedding anniversary. We got to see her wedding gown and all the jewelery she received as gifts from her mother (Queen Elizabeth) and her grandmother (Queen Mary). The diamonds were incredible- earrings, necklaces, tiaras, bracelets etc. I have never seen anything quite like it- it made Tiffany's seem like TJ Maxx.

We also got to tour 10 of the state rooms of the palace. These are the rooms that the Queen uses to entertain and host visitors from all over the world. The rooms included a ballroom, music room, several halls, the grand staircase at the entrance of the palace, the throne room and the room where the princes (William and Harry) were baptised. We were told that holy water was flown in from the river Jordan to baptise both princes- pretty amazing. Unfortunately, you were not allowed to take any photos of the inside- sorry!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Wow! What an upgrade!

I'm sorry to tell you what the homeowners insurance premium on that is going to look'll be back to the flat in no time!

I'm loving seeing London through your pictures and descriptions. Thanks again for taking us along for the ride.