Thursday, September 20, 2007

English is English . . . right??

I thought it would be fun to share a few tidbits about some differences in the English language that Ian and I have discovered. You would think it's all English- right?? WRONG.

Here are a few of our favorites.

Pants= trousers Pants are not pants here. Ian found this out the hard way at work. I believe he was talking about the dress code in the office and said "pants". Unfortunately here that means underwear- oops. (This is probably one of my favorite London stories so far!)

Underwear= knickers (not short plaid golfing pants). They sure do have a lot of words referring to undergarments.

Right away=Straightaway . As in- do this NOW. This is slowly becoming one of Ian's favorites.

Try= Give it a go. This is Ian's favorite new phrase. He uses it all the time- he will definitely be bringing this one back to the states

Bye/Thank you= Cheers. They say this every time they get off the phone and also commonly interchange it with Thanks. Very weird!

The letter Z= Zed. This is pretty strange- especially when someone is spelling for you and they say zed.

Zero= affectionately referred to as naught (as in 0.01 naught point naught one). I have been doing a lot of work with spreadsheets (quite a change for this sales/mktg girl) and I had to ask my co-worker to repeat himself twice. Pretty embarrassing.

Yield= Give Way. As in the street sign. We have also learned that to a pedestrian, give way means look right first or you may get run over. Apparently pedestrians do not have the right of way here!

Friend/Buddy= Mate. Not much of an explanation needed here- everyone is considered Mate- female or male- friend or foe.

We will be sure to add more as we come across them. Hope everyone is having a good Thursday and looking forward to the weekend:)

1 comment:

Megan said...

Love the "pants" story...too funny! It'll be interesting to see how this time abroad with "naughts" and "knickers" weasles its way into your conversations once you return.

Cheers mate!